Your Trusted Partner in Designing and Delivering Impactful DEI Training
Our experts design DEI training programs that move the needle. Our team can partner with you to create impactful learning journeys, facilitate live workshops, and equip your team to lead internal discussions.
Group training helps people understand new concepts, apply learning, engage in dialogue, and practice! Our experts facilitate workshops on a range of topics, including:
Our training will help your employees:
Understand how unconscious bias undermines effective decision-making, inclusive team dynamics, and career growth
Identify where unconscious bias might emerge in their day-to-day work
Engage in specific behaviors that promote more equitable decisions, more productive teams, and a more inclusive organizational culture
This training help leaders:
Build and lead teams where people from all backgrounds can do their best work and thrive
Understand the unique barriers to inclusion that managers and leaders can influence, and use specific leadership skills to drive equitable outcomes
Leverage our proprietary Inclusive Leadership Framework
Our training will give your employees:
A shared definition of allyship
An understanding of how allyship creates a more inclusive culture for everyone
A framework and tools to be an effective ally in the workplace through everyday interactions, in-the-moment interventions, and ongoing advocacy
The above is just a sample of our live workshops. We also facilitate action-oriented discussions on advanced topics including:
We believe in measuring the impact of DEI training programs. Here are a few examples of the impact our clients have seen after working with Paradigm:
Increase in employees’ understanding of how to use strategies to foster inclusion
Increase in people’s understanding of what it means to be an ally
Of people would recommend Paradigm training to a colleague
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