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What Do President Trump’s DEI Executive Orders Mean for Private Companies?

| Co-Founder & CEO  
Before founding Paradigm, Joelle was a civil rights lawyer. Joelle’s legal background highlighted the consequences that can result from companies failing to consider diversity and inclusion early, and inspired her to found Paradigm.


While President Trump’s recent Executive Orders on DEI weren’t unexpected, they’re still understandably sparking many questions and concerns.

The Executive Orders have already led to significant changes in the federal government. Teams focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion—including those working to bring federal services to underserved communities—are being dismantled. It’s hard to see talented people lose their jobs and programs designed to make our nation stronger, like affordable energy solutions for low-income communities, be eliminated.

For private companies, though, the language of these orders shouldn’t significantly affect diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. The most common programs in the private sector are already aligned with the values of merit and hard work emphasized in the Executive Orders. These initiatives don’t offer illegal preferential treatment; they level the playing field so everyone can thrive.

For example, practices designed to minimize bias in hiring and promotions ultimately enable companies to evaluate talent more objectively. This ensures that the most qualified person rises to the top. Of course, because people from underrepresented backgrounds are disproportionately affected by biased practices, these programs do help organizations promote diversity. But they do so by making things more fair for everyone.

Similarly, initiatives aimed at fostering healthy, inclusive cultures — things like robust parental leave and wellness policies, or training programs that equip managers to lead more effectively and inclusively — help unlock employees’ potential by creating an environment where everyone can do their best work. In our view, businesses should have the freedom to implement strategies that allow them to hire the best talent from all backgrounds and create cultures where everyone can thrive.

That said, I know many of the companies we work with are asking, “What now?” Here are a few resources to help you navigate this moment:

  • Our 2025 State of Culture and Inclusion report outlines practical strategies for adapting your DEI approach in this evolving environment.
  • My recent HBR article highlights actionable approaches companies should prioritize in the current landscape. 
  • Gibson Dunn, Paradigm’s trusted legal partner, has an overview of the expected impacts of the executive orders here. Their monthly DEI Taskforce updates are also a valuable resource for staying informed on legal developments. 

Finally, I recognize this news, along with the recent Executive Orders on gender and birthright citizenship, has been challenging for many people working in this space. If you need support—whether revising your strategy, supporting your own teams, equipping leaders to address current events, or just learning more about how other companies are navigating this moment—we’re here to help.

This is a complicated and disheartening time, but I remain optimistic about the future we’re all building together.


January 28, 2025

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